As a Womb Oracle, Here Are My Predictions for 2025

Let's start with a little game.

As a Womb Oracle, I'm going to share 6 predictions for 2025.

Intuitively pick your number on the image below, and that prediction has a special message for you.


2025 has arrived.

Entire eras, identities, and paradigms are dissolving.

Something else is arising in their place, starting to release its mysterious scent and guide us into new horizons.

Can you feel it?

The wildly beautiful truth is: Our whole path has led us here.

The future is at our doorstep.

Let’s read the pulse of what’s unfolding in the collective and in our personal lives, through the lens of womb consciousness.

Hold on to your number to discover its special message for you.

Ready to dive into the juicy stuff?


Well hey there, 2025.

Which prediction is the one for you right now'?

Let's go ❤️‍🔥

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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