Fashion & Talismanic Adornment

While we're in that Full Moon in Taurus afterglow... 🌝✨

Let's talk about something delicious and powerful: sacred fashion and talismanic adornment.

There's such a power in creating intentional space to discover who we're becoming.

Especially as we go through cycle after cycle of wild, evolutionary diamond pressure...!

Who are you becoming?!

Evolution is a romance, a dialogue with our deeper self.

I'm a firm believer in creating pockets of time-space for exploration, creative infusion, and self-communion.

Making the time to celebrate our evolution with joy, poise, humor, and full faith.

New timelines of possibility open through our authentic feminine joy.


As magical women, our clothes and adornments are part of what structures our consciousness and embodiment.

Through frequency, fabric, texture, shape, symbols, and color.

Truly, we're so energetically sensitive, and our magic needs resonant embodiment.

On top of the immense pleasure and embodied beauty that come with incarnating our Soul Signature and who we truly are, what we wear becomes part of our soul transmission and embodiment.

This has always been part of feminine magic in cultures across the world.

Not just for art and performance, or ceremony and special occasions, but also as part of everyday life and daily magical weaving.


This weekend, I went on a sacred shopping spree to look for a couple of special, forever pieces to anchor new creative frequencies that are coming into my life.

I highly recommend doing this, especially when you're in the midst of a rebirth or upleveling.

Take yourself on a magical date, turn up the dial on the romance, the beauty, and the pleasure — and let yourself explore!

Here's my biggest tip: Let your feminine body guide you.

Open to being surprised. Explore what your body loves and responds to. What makes you feel alive, lit up, and fully expressed!

And here's another thing: being magical means we're extra sensitive, in all realms. That's our gift!

As deeply attuned beings, we can feel the energetics of the brands we buy from.

Their frequency, their intentions, their way of doing business. And the leaders behind them.

I've fallen in love with incredible local brands led by amazing women with bold vision and wild talent, who are committed to real fair trade, ethical, love-based business.

This is the future.

Women stepping into their full creative destiny, collaborating and buying from each other, transforming the world through frequency.

2025 is going to be our best year yet.

Let's celebrate the completions and anchor in the new beauty, art, creativity, and soul embodiment that are singing to come to life!!!

What colors, frequencies, vibes, shapes, clothes, and adornments is your next level of soul embodiment guiding you to?

Gift yourself a magical date to find out soon ;)

I share my magical shopping finds with you here — including a special greeting from the Mermaids.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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