
Magnetism is at the heart of our feminine power, and we can sense that it lives deep within us.

We feel our best and most embodied when we're profoundly nourished. We become naturally magnetic. Our energy expands, roots, and shines.

And we enter an incredible flow of self-expression, radiance, sensuality, creativity, and relational magic.

So how come it can be difficult to access consistently? And in certain realms of our lives, feel challenging to access at all?

Why are magical women depleted and undernourished?

And how do we make a tangible shift in the mysterious realms of our magnetism?

This is what we're going to immerse in together in this Masterclass.

Well-fed and magnetic.
Let's go.

I'm dubbing 2025 the Year of the Well-Fed Woman.

We've been growing, gestating, and alchemizing in preparation for this new dawn.

This is the year to really go for our creations — no apologies or delays — with Magnetism and Nourishment as our feminine superpowers.

This is for you if you have something you really want to create or make real right now — whether in your personal world or out in the world.

This is definitely for you if you’ve been feeling exhausted, undernourished, and unmagnetic.

In This Masterclass…

We're going to discuss:

  • the true source of our power and feminine authority

  • heart magnetism vs womb magnetism (and how to embody both)

  • how magnetism and nourishment work together to create quantum shifts in our lives

  • ancestral nourishment barriers and how to transform them

  • how our grief, heartbreak, and pain can actually participate in building our magnetism (rather than diminish it)

  • why nourishment and magnetism are essential to embodying our joy and our creative destiny on the planet

And most importantly, you'll go on a journey to explore your personal energetics of magnetism and nourishment right here and now, and how to claim and embody them.

Why we’re scared of nourishment

This is the conversation I’ve been wanting to have with the women I love.

The truth is, a lot of patriarchy has to do with the ways our energy has been tied up in places other than our nourishment and our power.

The ways we’ve been kept busy, distracted, perpetually drained.

Tied up as the good girl who gives endlessly, with a smile on top.

The magical woman who seldom uses her power — only in small doses and select places, in ways others can handle and digest.

Or the good soldier who works tirelessly, sacrificing her own dreams and creative visions for the agendas of others, or for an illusion of security.

This is the story of our foremothers too, whose energy was even more constrained than ours — although they were often clever with the myriad ways they wove their genius, their power, and their love into the fabric of their lives and families.

The systems (collective and familial) we’re born into come with a big warning sign. One that’s kept our greatest feminine power on the fringes.

And this is why we can have such a push-and-pull relationship with real nourishment.

Because let’s be real: our nourishment has implications.

Big ones.

And I’m specifically talking about magical nutrients — the stream of nourishment that your soul craves.

This kind of nourishment makes us instantly magnetic.

When we’re well-fed at a soul level, our field of magnetism activates.

We become full, embodied, deeply alive.

A gorgeous, exuberant glow vibrates through our eyes, our voice, our skin.

A magical swagger, that reaches far into the corners of our lives, and even into the universe, switches on with ease.

When we go for this caliber of nourishment, our magnetism follows, and everything changes.

The frequency of our presence. 
The frequency of our creativity.
The frequency of our relationships.
This is our power.

We become a force of nature.

It's time for us to reach for this power again, with full trust in our journey.

In Masterclass, I share a simple two-part framework we can practice, so that magnetism and nourishment aren’t something we occasionally touch and revel in — but become our new baseline.

We also talk about how to meet our ancestral nourishment barriers, and the power we have to work with the obstacles and challenges when they come (because they will).

The tools and approaches I share are practical, tried-and-tested, and effective — this is part of a living, pulsing feminine spirituality that is completely embedded in our lives.

Join me for a magical experiential journey, and come out with your personal magnetic map, and new approaches and tools to embody your deepest magnetism and nourishment.

MAGNETISM & Nourishment

This 3-hour transformational masterclass includes:

  • Powerful teachings and transmissions rooted in Womb Awakening and Feminine Shamanism.

  • An experiential process to understand and embody your personal Magnetic Map.

  • A Feminine Magnetism journey to experience and deepen your magnetism in real-time.

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